Artwork by Tu-2. Sitting at the Center.
The weather in Paso Robles is clear and so far, has not hit 40 degrees, farenheit. There is a beautiful redwood staring into the room and its bark has deep rivulets running all the way into the ground. The smell of cold and trees - a morning blessing.
Driving up highway 5 after all the rains lately, gave way to a treat in the form of nature's art. The late afternoon light created images that appeared like watercolors - with all shades of green, lavender, blue reflected in the rolling hills. Halfway up to Commonweal the ride had been easy, open. And by the time the sun was moving toward dusk, the gorgeous interplay of hills, animals grazing, and small distant structures felt like a welcoming into a new reality. It had been a hard week, on many fronts.
When there are moments like that, it's important to mark it in some way. Because these warm and life-affirming times get buried so easily by things that suggest that we may be losing our connection to beauty. The reminders sometimes feel too few and far away.
As evening came, another healing circle and meditation space was hosted on a Zoom platform. It didn't make sense to do such a thing virtually - the original plan had been to be in-person, but circumstances required technology to be brought into action. Almost didn't do it - but then, something said, "Make the space.".
It turned out that the session was very special - only one showed and that person was from Canada - an international circle formed! The idea for this night was to introduce the experience and to give basic silent meditation guidance.
As the heart round opened, the story shared was so moving that it felt like this circle was created by the heavens, just for this one who appeared. The intimacy of the sharing gave each one a chance to deepen our practice of becoming the best human being one can be in this lifetime.
There are times when a circle might be only two or three - this was one of those times. And the space held felt sacred. There is always a reminder that healing circles are not conversations or dialogues; rather, these are unique to every circle that forms. Healing circles are about holding another with an intention to bring care, kindness. This is not a space to advise, fix, or counsel. It is a space to practice how to listen deeply and transmit love and kindness, without words that respond to whatever is shared. We got to do that. Then, went into silent meditation - just for a fleeting 10 minutes.
It is days like this that feel like the tuition paid in life, with all the mistakes, regrets, desires to re-do that which no longer can be re-done feels like it was worth it. No one gets through life without paying some kind of tuition to learn. If one is really fortunate, the end result is a deepening of one's INtuition. This is the thing that will help lead to choices that are meaningful and matter in life - like going ahead with opening a virtual healing circle so just one more might appear.