Walking With…
The day in Bolinas this day is sweet, both people and place. There is a quality of care and caring that is uncommon when strangers come together with a heart that is ready to be opened. The shared "being" - space, time, ideas, learning, walking, reflecting was the start. Each entered with their individual experience into a single collective moment called a "weekend" and led all to a new threshold that was crossed as one. It felt like a "weekstart.".
When having the capacity to both expect and not expect, mysterious and wondrous things can happen. The invitation was to explore and to learn - to enter a new era together. Exactly what that meant was not clear. There was no definition to the gathering other than to come and listen to a different kind of conversation about a new era, an age when love and peace will be the universal yearing. All of the beings have already done their work - the elements, the plant life, the animal kingdom, the very air we breathe and planets to which we are connected. Some have left this realm. Now we enter a time when human beings are invited to make a contribution.
This gathering was to recognize how vital our collective intention is to whatever will manifest. What is the intention that will lead to a new portal (or perhaps many portals) where things that want to exist in support of humanity can emerge? This was a sacred moment in which those gathered could gain a deeper understanding of our role in connection to all that is yet to be. Whether physically present in this space/time or not, each person has a way to access the phenomenon of coming together for a purpose beyond what exists. It happens in every moment of the day; and with every encounter between self and others.
There will be new relationships, new ways of relating, new ways to understand life and death. The last thing: life and death seems to be the thing that has captured the collective attention of society at large. So much is happening in the world today that suggests that we are headed for demise. And there are some who believe the opportunity to avoid that demise has already passed.
But this conversation clearly pointed to reality, beyond what is known right now. The realm that is unknown, but very real, is one that is calling our attention and offering a different vision for those who are able to manage the courage to enter the unknown.
When more than two dozen people come together with their life experience, thinking that theirs is unique, one might think complications and obstacles abound. Well, it depends.
If that purpose is about a shared, sincere desire to hold onto humanity, the unique experiences prove to be an asset. This is what happened: witnessing, deep listening, revelations, and a new collective cognition about the source. In short, we together experienced entering into the space called, "the unknown" for a short visit. It was inspiring.
Some will return to see where the edge really exists; others will remain in the known space and open thresholds, still other will work to explain in order to increase the courage to do things differently. All glimpsed the light.