A Moment
Artwork by Tu-2 Swirling in the moment.
The morning sky is clear, and the day is set to be open with light and moderate shifts. The temperature is 57 degrees fahrenheit. The energy is moving and it is going to open a new cycle of activity and attitudes. Today is Tuesday.
The days are flowing. The calendar has moved to the eve of the second half of the year and all who are asked, note that the time has seemingly evaporated into the ether of the universe. One can feel that a new generation is moving toward new archetypes and another is letting go of the vessels they inherited. There is a new era emerging all the time, but at this particular moment, that emergence is palpable. And what we experience is the rapid, intense passage of time.
What this means is that we are collectively experiencing the fact that there is an unknown becoming known. This is a particularly important time because if one slows down and feels into the events and occurrences of this moment in history, one can actually begin to recognize that there is an offering being made. That offering is from the place we might call "the unknown" and it is the source of all events that human beings live into during their lifetimes.
Through a shared ceremony, extended over two days, a reality was manifest at a gathering of souls in Los Angeles. The centerpiece was a conversation that looked at the meaning of Black... beyond the melanin, into the mysteries. The care and tending to the invitation to gather culminated in a beautiful and complicated and diverse experience for those who entered the physical space.
New realizations, old narratives, and many new beginnings were fertilized in the moment. It was a time of recognition and rest from the pursuit of change. It was a reminder that no matter what one does, or does not do - change will happen. And it was a time to re-open the portal between the present, past, and future with ritual, ceremony, and reverence.
Reverence is something not known in the world we occupy today. As if there has been a kind of deliberate indifference or amnesia about that which centers our humanity. The gathering over two days created an energy in support of the re-emergence of this way of entering relations with other beings of this world – and beyond. We have a lot to do in the service of stopping all the doing.
And it was an experience that will never happen again - the place, the people, the heavens that smiled upon the gesture of hospitality. Sacred. A moment that will serve an important purpose as part of new cycles of life.