In 2023, add joy to life’s recipe
What a sight we saw, on our last trip to the Sanctuary in Tijuana. A gift of a stove awaits, as the new kitchen is being built around it.
Inspiration: Many incredible people have emerged out of the things GoCompassion has been trying to support in our world! René M finds time to drive donations to Tijuana monthly, Fountain Project chose us to receive their 2022 wellness/meditation annual event proceeds, Tu made (and sold!) more art to support GoCompassion, LA Race Praxis (theory/practice) network has continued to spread love/compassion in their communities and have discovered “abundance", Racial Healing circles have been held and matured into a space of caring and tending to deep questions/wounds by those who show up.
And, of course, the reality of human flow as part of our global polycrisis is showing up everywhere.
Migration and refugees are a part of the analysis for every society on the face of the planet. How we will manage and think about this part of reality on an individual, community, and societal level foretells our future.
So, the question is: What is Compassion? (Tell us your answer here.)
PLEASE engage generosity by sharing gifts, donations, and prayers with those whose struggles are as complex (if not more) than yours. If you choose to donate, go here. Fingers crossed there are no glitches. (Yes, we are able to acknowledge the donations as a 501(c)(3) contribution).
With much love and joy in this season of change!