Peace Bell
The day's light comes up later; and this day, the sky is clear and blue. The temperature is 55 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Wednesday.
Mid-week feels like the point of connection between the energy that gets things started and the energy that begins to make way for the shift. That shift is the way weekends work into our lives. It is a day that feels like a comma in a sentence because here, it is possible to consider how the week has opened and reflect on how the week will end (if you are one to engage in a frame of Monday as the start and Sunday as the end). It's not quite the midpoint, but it is the day for many, that marks it.
What are the ways we connect? There are times when the point is to be with other people, and other times when the connection is to the land, water, trees. The way we connect without words, and intention other than to be with whatever may become a part of our reality in a specific moment. Sometimes it is the sound of a bell. That ringing brings a vibration that connects anyone who can experience the energy - whether through ears or body. It is the invisible thread that the bell offers in connecting each one.
Is it possible to bring peace with a sound? It has been said that the sound that comes can heal. The one who initiates will put their own life energy into the sound that issues. The one who receives will take that energy and entertain possibilities in bringing the vibration inward. Healing, waking, moving something within that resonates into the world. A connection is made.
There is something about the sound of bells that allows each of us to re-orient toward that which is always present but not usually in awareness. Maybe this is why so many begin meditations with bells - the vibration takes you to another place.
The fact of a person without the ability to hear who can nonetheless "hear" through a different part of their body. The fact that a series of sounds can bring joy, sadness, courage simply by allowing itself to issue. These are phenomena and connections of a kind that we rarely think about - but experience as what "is." Not what could be or what should be - just what is.
We live in a time when more connection would help the world get through a very difficult period of history. This is a time when the dis-connects have made it easier not to recognize one another, hence so many cries for "being seen" and "belonging." The fact is, we need to get better at finding our way back to the ability to connect. Sometimes, it may be that the conditions are so bad, no connection is needed or wanted. Dis-connection - Another path to peace, perhaps. Go quietly.
Who knows what might come of simply becoming more aware.