Deep Knowing

Today the skies are predicted to be clear and the temperature will rise beyond the 40's in the morning.  Walking will be part of the activities in this cycle.  What happens on the walk will be revealed as the senses are invited to take in what the world has to offer.  Nature will heal the discomfort that lingers from having so much news of suffering.

Where do people have a place to rest their spirit in times of great distress and anxiety?  How can one move through life and keep balance between self-care and care for others?  What are the ways to get to the root of struggle in human existence in today's world?

Many people have chosen to answer one or more of these questions by living their best individual lives to be in service to others.  There are practices that have become part of daily routines to help keep balance in an otherwise very unbalanced world.  And today's collective search for solutions to impact society has led to processes that are highly complex and multi-layered so that strategic thinking is essential to social change.

Rest is something that caring people do not do well.  Yet, it is common knowledge that without rest, one cannot do the work that is calling.  And it is in rest that creativity and imagination can emerge in the fullness that might lead to something fantastic to be translated into actions.  Rest is what the soul needs in order to stay clear and focused.  

Here is where the world is now: on the verge of letting go of separate identities and tapping into deep knowing about our collective identity, among both human and non-human beings.  This is a product of those who have held dreams about possibilities for living in harmony with nature and with human societies.  This is a time when teachings are being shared after long silences and hidden existences in order to preserve the wisdom of ages.  This is a point of deciding whether one will continue to stay in constant action/connection with all the activity, news, and movement depleting precious life energy;  or, will finally choose to rest and replenish.

It is at once a critical juncture and an everyday thing:  choosing in the moment, what to do.   One has to ask themselves, "What makes the most sense, knowing that life energy can be replenished, but only when one allows for rest?"  

It is a hard decision for some people to make because resting is often seen as quitting or stopping.  But what if that quitting or stopping were to be a portal to something that the world needs even more than the activities aimed at building solutions and structures?  

Wow.  Rest might lead to that deep knowing that tells us what life is all about.



