
Today, in travel, no word to pull for inspiration, but the early morning exchanges from the desert in Arizona to the coast of Marin, and back to the East Bay make me realize that "it" is truly everywhere.  The sky is beautiful with a little blue, grey, clouds can actually be seen floating by.  It's 47 degrees, fahrenheit and today is Sunday.  It is going to be a bright, gorgeous day.

Not sure what makes it into one's consciousness and what is left in the realm of the unconscious, but today, I am filled with the realization that beauty is what gives way to hope.  This seems to be because it has the magic to make you feel something different from what is needed when one is in survival mode, achievement mode, goal pursuing mode.  It won't reveal itself so easily at times. One has to create an opening to accept the gesture that invites the awareness of it.

The images in my mind (and a few in my iphone) captured some of what I encountered in the last 48 hours.  Sadly, I could not capture the beauty of the human form as contemporary dancers moved their bodies in the most gracious, expressive, and almost unbelievably agile ways - both alone and with others. Even the costuming worn by the dancers was breathtakingly expressive. (I am partial to fabrics that flow anyway - and there was a lot of that in the dance performance).

Then, the things that nature has to offer can make one's heart stop.  The last few days of walking through a forest, standing on a cliff along the sea, and exploring the desert through photos sent by a friend who shared a blanket of desert marigolds - all of it was the real.  No need to go to imagination.  Just a need to move to a place where the access point can be discovered - and that sometimes can take effort;  other tmes, no effort at all. It is striking how multi-dimensional our world is – a lot like every one of us.  A walk with awareness of nature - whether in the city or in a place with fewer structures and lights - can expand the capacity to appreciate beauty is everywhere.  

It might be hidden in a single blossom or rock formation.  It might be in a blossom that will last for only a day.  It might be in a tree that has been around for thousands of years.  Or, it might be in a gesture from one person to another or many others.  Then, realizing that the experience of beauty is truly everywhere - there is hope for our future.  

This year was to be dedicated to joy as a theme.  And most of the reflections go there (that's the discipline part in writing each day).  A close cousin to joy is beauty.  This is where the depth in seeing may enter to allow appreciation for what is constantly being offered as a way to grow.  The invitation is everywhere - and imagine if one were to accept the many gestures that come along inviting one to recognize joy and beauty?  What a world it would be.




From Nothing