Artwork by Tu-2. RUNNING
Today the coolness returned; the morning sky is a dull grey; and the temperature is back to the low 50’s fahrenheit - a good day for a morning walk. Today is Friday.
The week past was full - more full than what has been present in life, lately. The routine has been interrupted with full days and invitations to events that end up in late nights. The return to gatherings, travel, and hosts hosting once again has arrived with the spring. Most of the encounters have been beautiful, no question. Even with the southland commutes, the time has been well spent (thanks to audible books that have made their way to a virtual library). When using the time to open all senses to train for stress, to receive the creativity of writers, and to manage sharing the road with those who have clearly not planned well - as evidenced by the speed with which they are moving, gratitude arises. Something about having learned - “Use time, don’t be used by it!” has come to actuality.
The first third of the calendar year has come to a close and what will be next is a season filled with celebrations, more travel (domestic), and hosting of friends who will make their way to the ocean. We will see transition in life circumstances for those who are moving into acceptance of another experience of being. And we will put labor into the seeds that have been planted and will care for that which we have sewn so that the harvest of fall can be full. There’s always something giving way to that which is meant to be next. And whatever plans we may have are subject to change without notice. So the skill to “expect, but don’t expect” becomes yet another important capacity for cultivation, along with whatever has been started in the planting phase.
Whether one wishes it to be so or not, as long as one is alive, there will be something that comes next. That could be a joy or not so much a joy. It could be something well-planned, or a total surprise. No matter what may come, the ability to accept, adjust, and adapt will be vital. In case it isn't clear: it is all about change - some of which is subject to the desires and wishes we hold, others will be offerings that open an opportunity for growth - material, emotional, psychological and in all of it - spiritual.
We enter the world unknowing and yet unconditionally accept whatever comes next. As we "mature" into whatever being is meant to be here in the form of human, there is both a gain and a loss. We gain capacities for understanding what it takes to survive in the world, and we lose capacities for understanding that one's survival is dependent on all other beings, whether human or not. We understand systems, and forget the sacred. Yet, how many reminders do we need to remember? What's next?