Take a Leap
Artwork by Tu-2. Jumping into Cosmos
The reports of frigid air are true. This Wednesday morning the skies are clear and the air down into the low 40’s, fahrenheit. The energy is still moving. But there are no earthquakes, no fires, and no civil unrest - yet.
The times are calling out Spirit. There is too much happening, too quickly and in too many directions - home, community, society within our borders and societies beyond. Rather than ignore or deny what is happening, one jumps right into the fray - why?
This is life.
In the world we have created, there are plenty of examples of things that we might have called “wondrous” in the past. Today, we take the wondrous for granted, too often. We forget what it takes to nurture the planet and the life forms that make it possible for human existence. We forget that there are others to consider before our latest desires for things, experiences, even knowledge. We forget to take care of ourselves - and even if we remembered, we have forgotten how to open the door to the practices that would allow our very own salvation from running into a ragged existence.
It is time to find ways to remember.
Rather than taking a leap into things that already are exist - a new job, a new piece of clothing, or a new place to reside. Why not take a leap into the things that don’t yet exist? We have made a bit of a mess here. The collective effort to improve our quality of life and make it meaningful (such as education, politics, healthcare to name a few things where possibilities were to become reality) has been lost, forgotten, corrupted.
Maybe it is time to take a leap into what is not known - and to do so in an effort to find our way back to ourselves. Who knows? That great cosmos could hold something quite exquisite in terms of ideas and invitations to act. The muscle that has to be available to take that leap is developed among a few. Hopefully, among those few, there are a few more who will continue to try to find a way to what almost every human being desires: peace, health, and being loved.
It's impossible, some will say.
And that is exactly why those very few among us need to try. That is one of the miracles of being born a human being - a little voice that says, "Impossible? Well let's see about that."