Migration Support Network

The Migration Support Network has been a steady place of intention for compassion and love to be shared across the so-called border.  GoCompassion delivers monthly, support in the form of cash for food and medicine.  In addition, special projects (like the building of a school for the 400 to 600 children at the sanctuary at Cañon de Alacrán in 2022-2023) are added to the menu of options for how to help.  In 2023, a generous donation of $32K allowed the pastor and refugees at the sanctuary to complete the building of the school and now, local government is sending teachers!  Next project:  a health clinic so that there can be privacy for medical exams and maybe even a dental care room.  A vision for 2025: to support families seeking refuge at the southern border of California with donations of dollars as well as clothing and daily supplies. the sanctuary is now hosting 1300 people, with an expectation that another 1000 may need food and shelter as policies in the U.S. shift. We stay connected with Pastor Banda and continue as we can to support his living prayer for humanity.

A heart’s eye view

A view of the sanctuary from our November 2022 friendship visit. All images created with permission & collaboration with the Sanctuary.


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The Black/API Racial Healing Circle