Across Space
Artwork by Tu-2
The weather is shifting. The skies are clear and the drop in temperature is by ten degrees at 57 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Monday.
The fall equinox has ushered in the fall season. We are heading toward space/time change that will bring everyone into a time of going quiet, opening a feeling of entering a period of change that may or may not inspire a greater sense of compassion for all beings. A powerful universal energy is coming our way. How will we respond both as individuals and as community?
The great teachers share one common message, it seems. And that is that humanity has no other option but to stop drawing lines across spaces that in turn, create conflict. Some call it nonviolence, others call it being peace, still others will teach about the internal reflecting the external reality we face as humanity. All of it is conveying that no matter where one sits, stands, reclines, or walks on this earth - there has to be a realization about the only way we can go on. That is, to find ourselves seeing that we are actually not separate from one another but are meant to learn and be grateful for our differences - cultural, religious, racial, and political.
Across all of space, there are things of great value to be offered into the world. We stress over survival on the small scale and we seem oblivious to the only path to suvival on the large scale - we are at a point where at least some are talking about how we must avoid the next world war. Yet, there are constant reminders and examples of how we are at odds, all of it bringing destruction and sadness - or worse. And all of it being because of a belief that each holds a "better way of life" - says who?
Today, the world is in struggle everywhere; and the ability to see beauty in what the world keeps offering seems to be lost. There is a mis-match. As one teacher has said, "Cooperation cannot possibly exist if my actions are based on personal like and dislike."
This seems to be the way we are living in today's world. No matter where you go across the expanse of the planet - each space holds a precious story and a beauty that is unique to that particluar spot on the planet. One feels pride, comfort, familiarity... and the latter is the place where likes/dislikes are so easily cultivated. What is familiar is comfort - and this is what we seek. And of course, we know that this is not life. Life implies as much discomfort as comfort and to seek only the latter will lead to disappointment because there is no way around it.
So moving across space, if voluntary, can open one to encounter something different, something unfamiliar, possibly something beautiful. Or not. But this is what space has to offer each of us - the chance to learn cooperation.