Artwork by Tu-2
The morning has been very foggy and grey. There is a tinge of blue sky, clouds, a little movement. The temperature is 63 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Friday.
It has been a few days since the energy has allowed for a visit to this virtual space.
No words for the past few days. Gone deep into the silence to see what might arise. A lot of pain. A lot of questions. No answers. What answers other than to stop, could possibly emerge?
It isn't as though avoiding the updates on what is happening in the Middle East and the loss of lives will make it all stop. Each one has to gauge how much intake is reasonable given the lives each is living now. The course of the river has taken a strong turn and the flow has become very intense, fast-moving, filled with debris and unpredictable. How this tributary of events will feed into the larger river still needs to be seen. The hope is to be alive to see the river flow freely, again.
In the encounters lately, it has been a blessing to be among people who hold questions and are actively exploring how best to affirm the energy of wanting to live in peace. Some are staying close to the events in the current big crises, both domestic and foreign. Others are expressing where they stand by engaging in solidarity actions of all kinds. Some are quietly reflecting together and asking questions of themselves and our country - What does the next step need to be? How have the events of the last week had an impact on the proposition for peace? Might this crisis serve yet another set of political interests that will be discovered decades after the event? Too many questions and answers to these still won't lead to where humanity needs to go in this moment.
We are witnessing the "doing" as disaster.
We are witnessing the "being" as harms that will give way to generations of physical, mental, and spiritual scarring.
We do not see leadership; but we do see many examples of the capacity of individuals to be blinded by right/wrong thinking. Such leaders make misery for everyone, without exception.
In times like this, one must remain aware of the events and circumstances that are unfolding each day. One needs to return to relations that keep the capacity for warmth and caring in daily life. To be clear about one's own grounding in understanding that a shift in consciousness is not without cost, helps. And we must remain committed to a reverence for life. There is no other way.