Do you see the rabbit? It's in the new year calligraphy that was created to welcome the change of the lunar calendar and it is an invitation. That invitation is to reflect on the plus/minus of the meaning of the word "abundance.".
One forgets how vast the gifts of the universe. Our small minds are no match for the Mind.

Luna - Moon
When the full moon arrives, and if the skies are clear, the light that allows itself to be shared in the stillness makes manifest the word "peace.".

And a good question arises: Why care for people in transit south of the border when there is so much need among people in transit right at home?

The highest level of skill is finding the way to move through the world with fearless kindness and care.
For whatever reason - the mood was light, the usual prickliness in such circumstances was absent, and the ability to take it all in was very present.

Getting Across
Looking at what happens over time: fear, suspicion, doubt, delusion. These limit that capacity that comes with "not knowing.". An old teacher once pointed out that these also create both individual and collective suffering.

The wait was an object lesson in the old adage that urges one to see challenges as opportunities;
Coming and Going
Ours is a deeply textured existence. We are able to bear witness to changes and skillful navigation through conditions both affirming and daunting when it comes to collective existence.

Where is grace?
Where can I find grace? It's a meditation on the conditions of life that require each person to surrender something that must give way to the divine within us - that something is in how to provide dignity, through the spirit of generosity and compassion.

Work of human flow
We hosted the LA Race Praxis folks on December 15th in the Arts District at Cafe Zinc and it was a time to check-in, to talk story, to remember those who we have lost and new people who have arrived.

In 2023, add joy to life’s recipe
Migration and refugees are a part of the analysis for every society on the face of the planet. How we will manage and think about this part of reality on an individual, community, and societal level foretells our future.

Greetings from the Tijuana sanctuary
Photographer Leslie Neale accompanied us to the sanctuary and co-created these images to share.

Omar Brownson & Belinda Liu on gratitude
Gratitude conversation with Omar Brownson and Belinda Liu. Omar and Belinda are pursuing ways to share experiences through a podcast. Our conversation is captured here.

Thank you
The Migration Support Network has been a steady place of intention for compassion and love to be shared across the so-called border.

We are growing
The Sanctuary in Tijuana is now hosting 1,500 refugees, including 620 children.

Medicine for the soul, out of Seoul
Across all of the tragedy and distrust, there are sources of inspiration that keep the energy of hope and faith and humanity pushing through the myriad ways that tempt a person to be discouraged.

The focus: Migration
The people are referred to as "migrants" and the phenomenon is "migration." Where can people go when the political, social, economic, and environmental conditions begin to crumble?

Gift of Compassion & the Migration Support Project
The Migrant Support Project began as a piece of work to sustain a small church in a very poor valley known as Scorpion Canyon. And it has become the temporary home of 200-300 refugees seeking respite from terrorism, drought, starvation from places like Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.