In the encounters lately, it has been a blessing to be among people who hold questions and are actively exploring how best to affirm the energy of wanting to live in peace.
Across Space
Life implies as much discomfort as comfort and to seek only the latter will lead to disappointment because there is no way around it.
The wonderful thing about humans is that we have this aspect that wants to test limits, bring creativity to our work, and thankfully, there are some who will put virtually all of their energy to finding solutions to save us from self-destruction.
To be able to stay in the present: meditate. Stop, breathe, block all calculations. Touch reality – even if it's for five minutes. The Cosmos is holding us.
All of It
So in order to be fully engaged in life as it presents itself in southern California, one can make the choice to not stay in the space of the familiar.
Passing Events
Living is colorful in more ways than one might imagine. Deep reflection is always a portal to understanding.
Daily Life
To be able to get to clarity and wholeness, the moments of awareness have be sustained. How is this possible? What is wholeness of being in this world? T
A Moment
It was a time of recognition and rest from the pursuit of change. It was a reminder that no matter what one does, or does not do - change will happen.
Many want to know what they can do to help. The answer is whatever you can do to help. Begin with an embrace of yourself and others.
An Evening Walk
Today's gift is the realization that in a single day, so much can be revealed about what matters in life. An evening walk is a portal into the past and the future because it holds all there is in carrying on through life's adventures.
There can be no mistake about the fact that every day is a source of learning what it is to be human.
Another Time
Perhaps it is the difference in the clock, or maybe it is the shift of energy with the people who seem to carry a different kind of intensity in this part of the continent. It might even be the architecture - the buildings hold so much in their bones.
Things Happen
And this is how it is: life is given. It ends, sometimes over a long haul journey to the end; and sometimes, in sudden death. Neither path is easy for the one who stands by to make this last walk with the one who departs.
When the warmth and care depart from the realm of the senses, then what is left is the essence. Not the residue of the being, but the essence.
Patience and Creativity
A gift of creativity arrived with no words - an answer to a request made weeks ago for something beautiful, peaceful, and creative.
The basics: people need food and shelter. Then they need a way to see meaning in daily living (without this, the fog can really set in!). Beyond that, human beings need their spirits to return to a place of seeing the essential in caring for one another - and not just in material ways.
Road Reflection
One is blessed if surrounded by people who keep "the news" at arms length, and are actually more focused on the engagement in living. While it is important to be informed about events in the world or community, it is more important to be a part of the energy that offers hope, connection, and inspiration.
In this life, all the events and relationships will invite the shell to harden as hopes and disappointments come and go.
Humans have so many ceremonies to mark our relations - those of spirit, of life, of love, of birth, and of milestone events along the way.
One knows: life is not just about earning your way to ensure you will secure food and shelter. There is something more - and the search for meaning and service opens the door to begin this journey.